Decatur  27, Boyd 6 (September 8, 2000)
1st 2nd 3rd 4th Final
Decatur 14 10 0 3 27
Boyd  6 0 0 0 6

Nutshell Summary: Decatur's running game is in gear and, other than Boyd scoring on its first play from scrimmage, cannot get anything going. Note:  Video and Photos of Game Available

How They Scored:
D - Paul Warren 77 yard run (XP)
B - Russell Peebles 62 yard run (XP failed)
D - Warren 3 yard run (XP)
D - Hunt 19 yard field goal
D - Chris Gage 1 yard run (XP)
D - Hunt 39 yard field goal

Individual leaders
Rushing -- Decatur: Paul Warren, 7 for 131; Boyd: Russell Peebles, 8 for 91 yards
Passing -- Decatur: Jeremy Slimp, 11 of 17 for 170 yards; Boyd: Jeffrey Bayes, 2 of 11 for 17 yards
Receiving -- Boyd: Cody Mayhew, 1 for 9 yards

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