Nutshell Summary: Chico gives
up 4 turnovers but still wins. Maybe all that bad luck over the years has
finally gone away.
E - Trueblood 24 yard FG C - Jake McLean 3 yard run (XP failed) C - McLean 2 yard run (2 pt. conv.) C - McLean 6 yard run (2 pt. conv.)
Chico Leading Rusher: Jake McLean, 19 for
98 yards Chico Leading Passer: Jake McLean, 5 of 9
for 55 yards with 2 ints. Chico Leading Receiver: Jeremy Tiller, 3 for
33 yards Thise website page is Copyright. Contents or HTML representation
and Graphics are Copyright 1999, Wise
County on the Web, and may not be copied or mirrored without
prior written permission.