Random Thoughts (Since No One Issue Grabbed My Attention) - 4/17/98
  • Kenneth Starr has announced that the end of the probe of Bill Clinton is "not yet in sight" and that he will also not be taking the deanship at Pepperdine which he had previously accepted. Maybe he hasn't read the current issue of Newsweek with its headline "Time to Put Up or Shut Up".
  • In light of the recent incidences of violent crime by children (Jonesboro shooting, Dallas rape), some members of the Texas Legislature will certainly lobby for the reduction of the minimum age for juvenile incarceration. Currently, child offenders younger than 10 cannot be subjected to the criminal justice system.  It would seem that such a change would only be warranted  if these recent child crimes are more than just isolated incidences. If so, we have far greater problems than juvenile justice reform.
  • Did the headline in last week's Wise County Messenger about me being "upset" and "at odds" with our district judge accurately characterize the article that it accompanied?
  • Paula Jones not only calls a press conference to announce the obvious (she is appealing her lawsuit against Bill Clinton) but also holds a photo op the day before the announcement showing her discussing the matter with her lawyers.  It's time to bow out gracefully.
  • More people attended the Ranger game at the Ballpark in Arlington on Tuesday (24,409) than voted in the Dallas County run off election (20,647).
  • One final Paula Jones matter: Her lawyer, Donovan Campbell, said "if some adult in control of the other side of this case would like to come forward and make a rational settlement offer, or even agree to engage in rational settlement discussions, such as a formal mediation, for example, we will certainly be open to that." I bet he would.

  • A federal court banned affirmative action at the University of Texas in 1996. After minority enrollment fell, the legislature enacted a "10% plan" wherein all students who graduated in the top 10% of their high school class would be guaranteed a place at Texas public universities, including UT. This measure would increase diversity, the legislators thought, because some high schools are almost exclusively comprised of minorities. The results: African American enrollment at UT surprisingly dropped from 4.3% to 2.9%. Interestingly, Asian student enrollment jumped from 10% to 16%. No one has an explanation.
Barry Green is the District Attorney for the 271st Judicial District.

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