The Story | Wise County Commissioners receive some rough treatment on Thursday after approving a tax hike. "I want you to justify what you're going to do with the extra penny," said one woman. "I'll give you my penny if you'll give me a reason to". |
News worthiness (on a scale of 0 to 5) | *** |
The Spin | We bet the commissioners would have given her ten bucks to leave. |
The Story | Various school rankings were released all using the classification system of "Exemplary", "Recognized", "Acceptable". |
News worthiness | ** |
The Spin | By the way, the rankings can be interpreted as follows:
The Story | The Bridgeport City Administrator defends the Economic Development Board's decision to fund a private entity, the Bridgeport Building Center, with $47,000 in tax dollars so as to compete with another private entity in a "neighboring community". After pointing out that the Building Center provides a ton of sales tax money to the city, he added: "[T]hink of the alternative - if all of our sales tax dollars go to other communities the property taxes must go up to fund police, fire, streets, libraries, parks etc." |
News worthiness | ** |
The Spin | The Bridgeport Building Center was considering moving to another community? |
The Story | The Department of Public Safety begins a program that calls for the sending of notices by post card to anyone living within three blocks of a registered sex offender designated as "high risk". "These post cards are not an invitation to violence or illegal activity", said DPS Director Thomas Davis. |
News worthiness | ** |
The Spin | Translation: "We do not condone lynch mobs but we're sure as heck scared that may happen." |
The Story | Messenger, Page 14, Wednesday edition: The Texas Parks and Wildlife begins its annual "Hummingbird Roundup". "This year's participants have already reported sightings of black-chinned, ruby-throated, rufous and calliope hummingbirds". |
News worthiness | * |
The Spin | By any chance was one of the participants WBAP's Willie Landum? |