The Spin
A tongue in cheek review of the news published this week regarding Wise County.
Normally posted every Sunday around 10:00 p.m.
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For the week ending 9/18/04:

The Story County Commissioners become less than cooperative when Mikel Richardson changes his mind about using a portion of funds designated for his precinct to fund a special project on Bobo Crossing. The Messenger referred to the commissioners engaging in "harsh exchanges".
News worthiness (on a scale of 0 to 5) ***
The Spin Richardson defended his position by saying "I actually voted for the project before I voted against it." (Extra credit to the reader if he catches the joke.)

The Story A presumably youthful Letter to the Editor writer is upset about the discrimination against skate-boarders. "Also, why can't anyone bring a skateboard to school if it's their only way home? What happens if they get hit while walking [home], or they pass out?" he wrote.
News worthiness *
The Spin Quick: Get this kid on the Debate Team.

The Story Scotty Reed, 22, while attending a wedding reception at Runaway Bay allegedly takes a baseball bat and whacks Marshal Stephens in the head causing him to later be Careflighted to Harris Hospital.
News worthiness ***
The Spin Where exactly do you put those pictures in the wedding photo album?

The Story Pastor Jack Skidmore of Cottondale writes an editorial for the Messenger where he lists, quite matter-of-factly, the many reasons why "God hates divorce."
News worthiness *
The Spin It's all negative and no positive? Maybe, just maybe, God picks up those that have been reduced to clay because of the painful experience and molds them into something new for a greater purpose.   "Behold, as the clay is in the potter's hand, so are ye in mine hand."

The Story A Northwest student, Daniel Thrasher, becomes the Messenger's spotlight athlete and reveals a "pet peeve" that has been bugging us for years.
News worthiness *
The Spin For your viewing pleasure.

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